Take the First Step to Personal & Corporate Wellness...

Evolvefitz Yoga and meditation program is designed with the core understanding that "You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside."

Our belief is that Yoga is a way of life and it does not comprise of physical asana as perceived but also is inclusive of thoughts, food and one’s interaction with its environment and how it applies to daily life so that you get the true potential of better living as an individual and furthermore as a society.

Our practical applications of yogic ideals in daily life include the simple philosophies behind the techniques of yoga that contributes to better living that is free of physical illness and a truly transformed you!

Our personalized yoga sessions help in enhancing one’s personality – physically, emotionally and spiritually through yoga in a detailed and systematic way. They will inspire you to:

  1. Live purposefully
  2. Achieve Goals
  3. Be Mindful
  4. Trust Life
  5. Actualize Potential

Corporate Wellness Programs:
Yoga for Stress Management:  It includes dynamic as well as restorative yoga  practices to stimulate the nervous system

Yoga for Concentration:
It includes static Asanas guided Meditation with  pranayama and breath Awareness techniques  

Yoga for Weight Management:
It includes static as well as dynamic postures and  Pranayama, power yoga, vinyasa, Fast Track Yoga Practices: 

  1. Rapid Yoga
  2. Desk Yoga
  3. Chair Yoga
  4. Intense Short Sessions

Yoga for IT/BPO Companies:
Our experienced and qualified trainers  help in:     

  1. Proper technique of yoga postures for  prevention of aches and pains.
  2. Strength building for greater resistance to  stress.
  3. Practice modules designed to relieve tension  from the workplace.
  4. Safe exercises that vitalize and balance to the  body/mind.
  5. Breathing techniques (Pranayama) to increase  energy level and calm the body/mind.

Service Modules:

  1. Rapid Yoga – Specially for IT and BPO  professionals
  2. Quick 15 – 20 minute session- can  be done in office space near desk.
  3. Chair yoga – Correcting Postures and yoga poses  that can be done while seated in a chair.
  4. Suksham Vyayam – Kriyas and micro exercises  for every part of the body, benefits subtle body,  can be done standing in office cloths.
  5. Yoga On the Move – For people travelling in  Trains, Planes, Cars and waiting at airports.
  6. Power Yoga – Viniyasa based dynamic way of  Asthanga Yoga.
  7. Therapeutic Yoga – Helps in treatment of  specific disease.
  8. Meditation – Relaxation and stress reduction.  Traditional Yoga – Asanas & Pranayam Long  session of around 45 minute, require more time, space and mats.
  9. Shatkarmas – Cleaning body toxins, additional  equipment and space required.

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